Tuesday 9 August 2011

assignment !!

as i mention before, gonna have a lot of assignment this month.. test quiz... now im confused an i dont know what  and which to start.. this week gonna present for ETR and Malaysian Politics
my part for etr is 70% done and thanx to my beloved for helping me on that, without her i dont think it gonna be 70% done , i think it still gonna be zero until now, so a big thanx to her ;) 

Next week i need to hand in the log report of 3 chapter for PAD 252 .Iroup havent start anything for this log report but my lecturer told me she just want a simple summary for each chapter and so i think its not that hard to complete it. AND oh yeah, this friday will also presenting for BEL 311. This time its an individual assessment and i have to do it on my own without ant help from other like before, because before all the assessment are all in group. this time, this assessment is all about presenting the latest issues of our company that we've chosen before and i've chose UMW Holding bhd. My title for this assessment is 'strategies taken by UMW Holding bhd to boost up their revenues' . I've found the article about what they did to boost up their revenues. hurm kinda hard because i dont really understand the article and i dont know how to explain later but there is nothing to worry because i still have a lot of time to read the article and understand it.;)

and also next week i have common test for my accounting subject. honestly, im not ready for any test and quiz. i havent study a thing and my head is totally zero.chill !! this month im gonna struggle and gonna get high marks for all the test and quiz. Its ok though ,dont give up at the early stage yeah..  hurm, need to be ready for everything bcs im kinda tired to struggle for last minute preparation. 

   Thanx to yieyie for helping me and she helped me a lot. ;) 


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