Thursday 2 August 2012

Fasting month !! Sahurrr !!!!!

hurm this is the 15th day of fasting.. fully fasting and havent escape yet..hahaha and will not..

im having more fun this year..fasting with family and friends like usual but this time im ccoking by myself..hahaa.. im learning to be independent.. ermm.... it's 3.12am.. sahur time..gonna ready the food..byeeee...see u soon !!



im posting.. UNBELIEVABLE !!

i haven't update for a very long time !! haha..
now i am still with my 'studying' thingy and stuck for an extra semester. how i wish im done with this study cuz im so bored and tired studying. doing the same thing everyday. Class, extra class, assignment,test,quiz,class,class,class-->DEAD.. but somehow, i find that its kinda fun also and atleast i got something to do, not like the others. keep on complaining things but got nothing to commit. atleast i have a place to show my effort,give my commitment and most important for sure atleast im building future. :) life ? bittersweet ! there are someday we fight and there are someday we're the happiest person on earth. there's one time we fought because of a girl. this girl kinda like me errrmm, i can say she love me already but i dont think i can give the same feeling to her because im in a crazy love with my girl. This girl keep on bbm me and i do reply and give hope to her. hurmm.. i did this all without my gf knowing it and suddenly she found out and get mad--very very mad !! she asked me to delete her from contact. actually i was just treting that girl as a friend, close friend and not more than that. yaa sometime i feel comfortable with her but only when i fight with my gf.. and that was the time where i spend more time with the girl.. bla bla bla... now im still in contact with her but just as a friend.

 Now im staying at a condo near my staying with friends..not much to share..

will update later !! :) 


Thursday 15 September 2011

DAMN IT ! i am all out ...

hurrmm.... life getting difficult now.. love life i mean, it is getting very difficult. it is hard to understand peoples feeling. I went to see the juniors dancing for their final exam (kebudayaan thingy) .. having fun and a good time until a guy came and she ran through him and asked whether he know her Ex and the guy answered her before she ask him. she was jumping and happy and i was just keep quiet (heart attack) .... i am so pissed off.. hey i'm a guy with feelings here..this is ain't karma, this is what people called a relationship without understanding. i know i'm not a good guy but at least i'm trying to be one here. we've been together for almost one year and she still don't get it that i hate him and i don't like it when she talk about that guy. she knew it but yet still keep on talking and asking people if they know her ex.  i am giving everything, i am all out and i don't know what else to do to make her forget her ex. she still cant get over that guy. hey come on u're giving him chances, a big chances to let him to replace me. it's not i am scared to tell her this all, what i felt, but i just don't want to ruin everything and i still care about u and your feelings. but what do i get back ? Nothing but just a feeling that always get hurt. Hmmmmm..nothing better than loving yourself. Seems like this will always be like this until i get bored and leave u if that what u want. I don't know why, i get angry easily nowadays, like a guy having a period or maybe u cause this. I don't blame u, but who else to be blame ? hey i love you can u please understand that. it maybe look simple by just saying those words but, hey i have big meaning to explain to you about those simple words. hurmm...i'll just stop here, if not i won't stop writing until next year..


Monday 22 August 2011


Today, i break fast with all my friends and also my beloved GF :D..we went to anjung selera. i ordered mango juice for drink and i ate black pepper beef. its kinda fun breaking fast with friends but surely it will be more fun breaking fast with family aite. hurm tomorrow will be having test and i didnt even study any single things of that subject. actually that subject will give effect to my pointer seems its a 4 credit hour subject, but chill, everythings gonna be alright All is Well ;)

 hurm im kinda sleepy now, so gonna update ya'll tomorrow.


Sunday 21 August 2011


Today on the morning i had an acc test. It was okay and kinda easy for me because i've been study a lot for the acc. Actually im not good in any counting subject or just make it simple, im not good in number, but good in counting money..hehe
 The next tuesday i will be having 2 test. PAD 252 and LAW 309, both are tough subject actually and it is hard for me to study both in one day. I need more time to study and seems i don't know anything about LAW 309. It's actually the lecturer, she does not teach beside she ask us to present for the chapter and we don't know anything. We have to read and struggle just to understand the chapter and as the result we totally don't know about the law, totally zero-for me, i don't know the others.
PAD 252, hurm..let see, it's actually not to hard to understand but i just need a lot of reading to understand, once u understand u can do it not only for the test but also for final exam. PAD 252 is actually about the Quality in the organization and also administration. It teach you on how to create a quality service and product and also quality environment. Overall it is actually totally about quality in an organization and also inside it.

so wish me gudluck for the test this tuesday.. i hope i'll be fine.. :)  i'll write more later.. :)


Tuesday 9 August 2011

sumthing bad happen...

yesterday when i was at the cafe with my friend waiting for 'berbuka' , there this one guy with his friend suddenly came to our table and asking me why do i stare at him yesterday.

- I was at the bustop at fastrack waiting for my mum, an i was with my friends dafie and zul. They greet their friend from far by shouting and suddenly this one guy look at me and keep staring at me , he stare like he wanna eat me and  i just keep on staring him also. He look so mad and he throw his at the bust stop and rushing to my place but one of his friend stop him and he turn around and walk away. We were so shocked and we just laugh and after that my mum came. after i met my mum, we went to anjung selera for 'berbuka'.

ok back to our story at the cafe, he look like he wanna hit me but i keep on smiling and keep on saying 'its nothing. he asked me if i got a problem with him and i just say nothing, i dont have any problem, so then they walk away back to their room but not less then 5 minutes suddenly i felt so mad and i go and look for them back , i saw them still walking on their way back to room and i just shout them to stop and they stopped. i walk with a fast step and when im there in front of them i told them that im not okay with what they did to me just now by going to my table and asking if i got a problem with them. i told them to respect people moreover when people are sitting in front of the food while waiting for 'berbuka' time. they said sorry to me and then i said its ok and i just walk away. actually there is still a lot of thing i said to him but i think its not important to share..hahaha.. :p

erm , i think thats all for now.. wait till the next update yaa... ;)


assignment !!

as i mention before, gonna have a lot of assignment this month.. test quiz... now im confused an i dont know what  and which to start.. this week gonna present for ETR and Malaysian Politics
my part for etr is 70% done and thanx to my beloved for helping me on that, without her i dont think it gonna be 70% done , i think it still gonna be zero until now, so a big thanx to her ;) 

Next week i need to hand in the log report of 3 chapter for PAD 252 .Iroup havent start anything for this log report but my lecturer told me she just want a simple summary for each chapter and so i think its not that hard to complete it. AND oh yeah, this friday will also presenting for BEL 311. This time its an individual assessment and i have to do it on my own without ant help from other like before, because before all the assessment are all in group. this time, this assessment is all about presenting the latest issues of our company that we've chosen before and i've chose UMW Holding bhd. My title for this assessment is 'strategies taken by UMW Holding bhd to boost up their revenues' . I've found the article about what they did to boost up their revenues. hurm kinda hard because i dont really understand the article and i dont know how to explain later but there is nothing to worry because i still have a lot of time to read the article and understand it.;)

and also next week i have common test for my accounting subject. honestly, im not ready for any test and quiz. i havent study a thing and my head is totally zero.chill !! this month im gonna struggle and gonna get high marks for all the test and quiz. Its ok though ,dont give up at the early stage yeah..  hurm, need to be ready for everything bcs im kinda tired to struggle for last minute preparation. 

   Thanx to yieyie for helping me and she helped me a lot. ;) 
